Good Morning! We have completed the Book of Romans. We are starting in The New Testament of Our LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST the First Book of Corinthians. Thomas and I share a few of our thoughts with you. Romans, Paul’s greatest work, is placed first among his thirteen epistles in the New Testament. While the four Gospels present the word and works of Jesus Christ, Romans explores the significance of His Sacrificial death. Using a question and answer format, Paul records the most systematic presentation of Doctrine in the Bible. Romans is more than a book of theology; it is also a book of practical exhortation. The Good News of Jesus Christ is more than facts to be believed; it is also a life to live and to be lived. A life of Righteousness befitting the person, justified freely by God’s grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (3:24). Share with us your thoughts on our Facebook Messenger page or text my phone.

Good Morning! Today’s Reading comes from the New Testament in the 📖 of 1 Corinthians. Our Love and Devotion to God’s Word! Have a Wonderful and Blessed Day!