1 Peter 5:1-14

Good Morning! Today’s Reading comes from the New Testament in the 📖 of 1 Peter. Our Love and Devotion to God’s Word! Have a Wonderful and Blessed Day!

1 Peter 1:1 – 2:12

Good Morning! We have completed the Book of James. We are starting in The New Testament of Our LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. Thomas and I Share a few of our thoughts. “Faith without works cannot be called faith. Faith without work is dead” (2:26), and a...

James 3:13 – 5:20

Good Morning! Today’s Reading comes from the New Testament in the 📖 of James. Our Love and Devotion to God’s Word! Have a Wonderful and Blessed Day!

James 2:1 – 3:12

Good Morning! Today’s Reading comes from the New Testament in the 📖 of James. Our Love and Devotion to God’s Word! Have a Wonderful and Blessed Day!