Good Morning! We have completed the Book of 1 John. We are starting in The New Testament of Our LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. Thomas and I share a few of our thoughts in 1 John. “God is light; God is love; and God is life. John is enjoying a delightful fellowship with that God of Light, love, and life, and he desperately desires that his spiritual children enjoy the same fellowship. God is light. Therefore, to engage in fellowship with Him we must walk in light and not in darkness. As we walk in the light, we will regularly confess our sins allowing the blood Christ to continually cleanse us. Two major roadblocks to hinder this walk will be falling in love with the world and falling for the alluring lies of false teachers. God is love. Since we are his children we must walk in love. In fact, John says that if we do not love, we do not know God. Love is more than just word; it is actions. Love is getting not getting. Biblical Love is unconditional in its nature. Christ love fulfilled those qualities and when that Brand of love characterizes us, we will be free of self-condemnation and experience confidence before God. God is life. Those who fellowship with Him must possess. His quality of life, Spiritual life begins with spiritual birth which occurs through faith in Jesus Christ. Faith is Jesus Christ infuses us with God’s life– eternal life. Although the Apostles John’s name is not found in this book, it was given the title Ioannou A, the First of John. Share your thoughts with us on our Facebook Messenger page or text our phone.

Good Morning! Today’s Reading comes from the New Testament in the 📖 of 2 John 1:1 – 3 John 1:14. Our Love and Devotion to God’s Word! Have a Wonderful and Blessed Day!