Good Morning! We have completed the Book of Acts. We are starting in The New Testament of Our LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST the Book of Romans. Thomas and I share a few of our thoughts with you. Jesus’ last recorded words on earth are a supplement to the Great Commission. You shall be a witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. The book of Acts, written by Luke, is the story of a man and a woman who took that commission seriously and began to spread the news of a risen Savior to the most remote corners of the known world.. Each section of the book focuses on a particular audience, a key personality, and a significant phase in the expansion of the gospel message. As the second volume in a two part work by Luke, this book probably had no separate title. But all available Greek manuscripts designate it bt the title Praxeis, Acts or by an expanded title like, The Acts of the Apostles. Praxeis was commonly used in Greek literature to summarize the accomplishments of outstanding men. While the Apostles are mentioned collectively at several points, this book really records the acts of Peter (1-12), and of Paul (13-28). Give us your thoughts on our Facebook Messenger page or text my phone.
Good Morning!Today’s Reading comes from the New Testament in the 📖 of Romans. Our Love and Devotion to God’s Word! Have a Wonderful and Blessed Day!