Good Morning! We have completed the Book of Hosea in the Old Testament. Thomas and I share a few of our thoughts with you about the book of Hosea, whose name means Salvation, minister to the northern kingdom of Israel also called Ephraim, after his largest tribe. The Nation is enjoying a time of prosperity and growth. Moral corruption and Spiritual Adultery permeate the people. Hosea is instructed by God to marry a woman named Gomer, finds his domestic life to be an accurate and tragic dramatization of the unfaithfulness of God’s people. During his half century of prophetic ministry, Hosea repeatedly echoes his threefold message: God abhors the sins of His people; judgment is certain; God’s loyal love stands firm. The names Hosea, Joshua and Jesus are all derived from the same Hebrew rooted word. The word Hosea means “salvation”, but Joshua and Jesus included an additional idea. “Yahweh Is Salvation”. As God’s messager, Hosea offers the possibility of salvation if only the nation will turn from idolatry back to God. Israel’s last king, Hoshea, has the same name as the prophet even though the English Bible spells it different. Hosea in the Greek and Latin mean Osee. Share your taughts on The book of Hosea in Facebook Messenger or text my phone.

Good Morning! Today’s Reading comes from the 📖 of JOEL! Our Love and Devotion to God’s Word! Have a Wonderful and Blessed Day!